Saturday, October 17, 2009

NUMEROLOGY... Just What Is Numerology

The science of Numerology is an ages-old personality profile system used by Pythagorean mystics during the 6th Century B.C.. It was their contention that the tonal vibration of phonetic sound and the alphabetical composition of a name correlate directly to the qualities of an individual's character or consciousness. Centuries of practice and experience have proven this technique to be amazingly accurate.

During the past 35 years I've successfully applied these principles both personally (to assist friends) and professionally (developing human resource appraisals). As an adjunct to established professional and experiential measurements of personality and human potential, I can recommend no better methodology.

To familiarize you with the essence of this science, I've compiled a list of the main topics and qualities one can develop from just the letters in your name as given at birth. It gets even more fascinating as you learn the steps of analysis and begin to apply these principles of discovery to yourself and your friends.

Vowels represent your Soul's drives, spiritual imperatives, higher aspirations, aims, goals and objectives. They are the channels for your innermost desires and urges... you might call them your conscience, much like Jimmeny Cricket was for Pinochio. Your Soul speaks to you through these vowels urging you to reach ever higher levels of success and attainment.

Consonants represent one's instinctual urges, passions, desires and reactive physical/material needs on a corporeal level. In other words the material and biological demands of the flesh and our insatiable cellular appetities. They illustrate how you react instinctively to life situations. You might call them your "old tapes" that always seem to be running in the background at a subconcious level. They manifest as body language... facial expressions, posture, the gait of your walk and general demeanor. They convey your personal attitudes and reveal the nature of the psychological programming you've carried with you into this present incarnation.

Together, the vowels and consonants represent your creative self-expression, skills, talent and vocational aptitudes. Taken together they characterize that intangible something that one could label as your 'style' or the way (method and manner) in which you get things done. It's the you that others judge as they view your demeanor, performance & overall effectiveness, both personally and professionally.

In a later presentation, I will illustrate how Numerology assigns one of the numbers (1) through (9) to each of the letters in your name (both vowels and consonants). It is the addition of all of the letter values that will determine the temperament and disposition of your character and individuality. Numerology is truly one of the most fascinating spiritual sciences ever devised by man. More to come...

Joe Ivory

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